Finally, affordable clear aligners for your practice

Boost Clear Aligners are made with the clear medical-grade clear aligner material. They're completely invisible aligners, extremely comfortable, and work without attachments. 100% BPA and latex free.

Boost clear aligners | The clearest stain-free invisible aligners
Boost Clear Aligners For Your Clinic| Before After Results


What's the first step to getting straight teeth? See your straighter smile from your doctor after your appointment.

You doctor will provide a custom plan for your smile, and help answer any questions you have about Boost invisible aligners.

Boost Your Confidence

All Boost patients recommend our clear aligners


Trusted by dentists and orthodontists, Boost invisible aligners are the clearest on the market today.


Created for maximum comfort, the edges are scallop cut for more retention and a better fit along the gums.


Our medical-grade plastic minimizes stains, and stays clear compared to other leading aligner brands.

Boost invisible aligners can treat a variety of cases including crowding, spacing, overjet, and more.


Boost really works, having treated over 100,000 cases with our dental team, and was created to treat Class I and II malocclusions. See what Boost can do for you and your confidence!

Boost clear aligners at your dental & orthodontic clinics